Budo, Kobudo & Japanese Artisanry - The Seido Blog

タグがついた記事を見る。 : Wooden Weapons フィルターを削除

  • 国産木刀製造業の危機


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  • The Future of the Wooden Weapon Industry & 2020's price increase

    In September 2019, the Horinouchi workshop who held about 40% of the production of all made in Japan wooden weapons, closed its doors forever. This article comes back to the reasons of that event, the state of the industry and how the prices of the products will evolve in 2020.


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  • Choosing a Bokken - Size, thickness, weight, wood, etc.

    If choosing one’s Bokken is an easy task for a beginner, it is a much harder endeavor for veterans in need of a tool able to support the focus of their work. The weight, length, species of wood but also the curvature and thickness of the Bokken play a determining role in the weapon’s behavior during practice. Let’s review all those components.

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  • The different wood species used in Bokken manufacturing - Red / white oak, Isu no Ki, Sunuke, Camellia, Biwa, etc.

    If Japanese Bokken have become so appreciated over time, it is mainly thanks to the quality of the wood they are made of. Kirishima Sankei, a sylvan region situated on the island of Kyushu, produces exceptional wood and has thus attracted many generations of the most skilled cabinetmakers and wood workers of the country. Resistance, resilience, sturdiness, flexibility, weight, density, colour… Each wood species possesses unique characteristics, each carefully chosen for a specific purpose. This article will delve into the origin, the different qualities, and reasons behind the use of each species.

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  • The choice of a specific Bokken for Aikido

    A few months ago, I wrote a post about weapons from the perspective of traditional craftsmanship. Today, I would like to continue talking about those weapons, but with a different perspective: what consequences the choice of a Bokken can have on your training.

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  • 堀之内登製作所 製造終了のご案内

    星道では、創業以来、純日本製武道用品を作り上げている各工房の職人とのコミュニケーションを大切に、各工房が直面している様々な問題にともに向き合い、また、一方で日本の職人技術の素晴らしさや純日本製商品の質の高さを世界に発信する活動を精力的に取り組んでまいりました。 この度、宮崎県都城市に現存する4つの木刀工房のひとつである堀之内登製作所が、2019年9月末日をもって製造を終了することとなりました。


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  • A letter from Master Aramaki

    The past few months, we've spent a great deal of time publishing our interviews made at the last wooden workshops of Japan this summer. Aramaki and Matsuzaki's interviews are already live and Nidome's interview is almost ready too. Following our encounter, and consistently with the subject we've discussed in those interviews, Master Aramaki sent a letter to all his partners presenting the situation at his workshop. Here is a free translation of this letter.


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  • Interview With Bokken Artisan, Matsuzaki Yoshiaki

    August 2017, enjoying the quiet summer months, we traveled across Japan to Miyakonojo and the Kirishima Sankei region to visit 3 of Japan's last Bokken workshops. We've conducted 3 interviews and here's the transcript of the second one with Master Matsuzaki Yoshiaki, including some additional comments and information.


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