October Special Offer

10% OFF on All Classic Bokken, Jo & Tanto

You're now all back to your dojos and ready to make this new year a fantastic one. Congratulations to all the newcomers who joined this year. We hope Budo will bring you stability and confidence in your life.

After offering 10% OFF on our "Back to the Dojo" selection in September, we wanted to offer all practitioners the opportunity to get good new weapons, so we've settled for a 10% discount on all Classic Bokken, Jo & Tanto. This offer will be up until October 28th.

News on the Horinouchi Workshop Closing

As you know, we are working tirelessly to bring back all products in our catalog. Here is what we've accomplished so far:

We still have a dozen Koryu Bokken as well as a few Naginata and Yari to transfer to either the Matsuzaki or the Horinouchi workshop, but the job is mostly done!

What's coming next ?

We are currently working on the 3 interviews we already shot: Master Tokusanai (Bogu Craftsman), Master Aki (Fukuroshinai) and Master Akuzawa (Aunkai's founder).
We hope to have at least one release in October.

And we are also working on a few news products that have been expected by part of our community for some time. Stay tuned, it's coming soon!

That's all for this month. Enjoy the discounts, and have fun on the mats!






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