国産木刀製造業の危機 | 木刀や杖などの国産木製武器製造について、ブログ記事を掲載しました。現在、宮崎県都城の国産木製武器製造については、職人減、良質な木材資源の減少、国内外からの受注過多などにより、以前に比べ、安定した木製武器の製造が大変厳しいものになっています。その現状について、詳しくご紹介しています。 -
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Kamon Engraving
Seido now offers a selection of the most common/famous Japanese crests, or Kamon 「家紋」for weapons engraving. Unlike the coat-of-arms in the West, Japanese Kamon can be used freely: if you like the symbolic or the design of a particular Kamon, there is no problem for you to adopt it as your favourite emblem.
Those Kamon are engraving services for wooden weapons only. All wooden weapons can be engraved except Naginata and Yari.
Our database will continue to expand regularly, so don’t hesitate to come back and check from time to time for new designs. In the meantime, If you want a specific Kamon that is not yet listed here, please contact us: we have a database of +6,000 Kamon, so there is a big chance we already have the design you are looking for.
Descriptions and designs provided by Kamon expert Baptiste Tavernier.