国産木刀製造業の危機 | 木刀や杖などの国産木製武器製造について、ブログ記事を掲載しました。現在、宮崎県都城の国産木製武器製造については、職人減、良質な木材資源の減少、国内外からの受注過多などにより、以前に比べ、安定した木製武器の製造が大変厳しいものになっています。その現状について、詳しくご紹介しています。 -
商品レビュー投稿キャンペーン ★ | レビューをご投稿頂いたお客様全員に、次回からのお買い物で使える「5%OFFクーポン」をプレゼント致します。
Partner Services
In this section, we offer you embroidery and engraving services for schools and Dojo that have an official partnership with Seido. These services are offered either at preferential rates or free of charge. Each service is designed according to the wishes of the school, so it is not possible to choose other options than those offered on each product page.
On each product page, you will find the details of the service as well as the list of products officially recommended by the school.
These engraving and embroidery services are to be added to your cart and ordered at the same time as the associated product (Hakama, Dogi, Bokken, etc.).
If you order several similar products to be embroidered, please use the field "additional remarks" present on each product page.
If you wish to create a partnership with us, you can contact us directly through our contact form.