Seido's 10 Years Anniversary - 5th Edition

Seido's 10 Years Anniversary - 5th Edition

AIKIDO FAIR! 15% OFF on our Aikido Gear selection!

September is over, Autumn is here and the weather is cooling down in Japan, the traditional fall colors will soon paint the whole country in an exquisite medley of crimson and gold.

Despite a sanitary situation that didn't improve around the world and many dojos still closed, the previous discount has been a surprising success. Thank you very much for your continued support.
We also hope you enjoyed the presents we sent you or you're about to receive.

This month, we're continuing our 10th-anniversary celebrations with an Aikido Fair! For this discount, we're offering 15% OFF on a selection of Aikidogi, Aikido Hakama, Aikido Weapons, and more. If you need a new outfit or want to refresh your wardrobe, that's the perfect occasion.

September report

- First of all, we published the second part of the interview of André Cognard titled "Aikido, ethical, therefore aesthetic, therefore effective!" in which we talked about the importance of cultivating yourself, Kobayashi sensei's aikido philosophy, the meaning of Aikido, and much more. And if you missed it, the first part is available here.

- Speaking of Youtube, our video on the History of the Japanese Katana is almost finished and will be released very soon. Presented by Shizuka Tokuyuki sensei, director at the Society for Preservation of Japanese Art Swords (NBTHK), this 30 mins video summarizes almost 1000 years of history. From the Kamakura era to the Bakumatsu period, through the analysis of six exceptional swords, you will learn everything a Katana passionate should know about this legendary cultural piece that is the Katana.

- On the website side, Seido now offers a selection of the most common/famous Japanese crests, or Kamon 「家紋」, for weapons engraving. Unlike the coat-of-arms in the West, Japanese Kamon can be used freely: if you like the symbolic or the design of a particular Kamon, there is no problem for you to adopt it as your favorite emblem. Our database will continue to expand regularly, so don’t hesitate to come back and check from time to time for new designs. Descriptions and designs provided by Kamon expert Baptiste Tavernier.

- We are also proud to announce a new partnership with the Tenshinsho Jigen Ryu Florida Satsunan Kai. We are now offering you the official embroidery of the school, 「薩南會」(Satsunankai), that can be embroidered on both your dogi and hakama, free of charge. Head over to our partner service section on SeidoShop or on the website of the Tenshinsho Jigen Ryu Hyouhou Satsunankai Dojo for more information.
And If you are interested in Dojo/Group partnership, please feel free to drop us an email!

- We also wrote a new article on our blog about the interview we made of Kimura Jiro Shihan, Director of the Buikukai, back in 2018. We teamed up with Guillaume Erard for a joint interview held at the master’s Dojo in Osaka. This blog article will explain the story of this unique encounter.

That's it for this month, please take care, enjoy our content, and enjoy the discounts!






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